Short stories

(actualisé le ) par Elisa Gy

Les 4ème Euro expérimentent la lecture plaisir !

Ils ont à leur disposition plusieurs nouvelles (ou short stories) classées selon leur difficulté ( ♦ = easy, ♦♦ = medium et ♦♦♦ = difficult). Ils peuvent les emprunter lorsqu’ils le souhaitent. Une seule contrainte : en lire 2 minimum par trimestre.
Ils remplissent ensuite une petite fiche de lecture évaluée.

Voici quelques extraits de leurs fiches de lecture...

Little Red Riding Hood, Roald Dahl ♦♦

It is the story of a wolf who is hungry so he decides to go to grandma’s house to eat her ! But she is a bit small so he decides to eat the little girl in red too ! But she is more intelligent than her...

I liked this story because it is different from the original version. It is a mock fairy tale, it’s funny ! But the words are difficult to understand.

Josselin, 4ème6

Murder on the boat ♦

Inspector Douglas is on a cruise on the Mediterranean Sea and there is a murder...

I liked it because I love detective stories.

Maîlys, 4ème 6

Bluebeard, Charles Perrault ♦♦♦

Bluebeard’s new wife mustn’t go to a little room but she does ! She saw the bodies of Blubeard’s ex-wives and her bunch of keys fell into their blood. She tried to clean the keys but she couldn’t...

I liked this story because it explains why we shouldn’t be too curious !

Camille, 4ème 6

Just 16 ♦

Cathy and Suzan are in a disco club. Suzan meets Darren and talks with him for a long time. Then, she tries to find Cathy but she doesn’t find her...

I liked this story because it deals with drugs. The story is tragic and sad.

Abel, 4ème 6